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"This is an age of wheeling colors and feverish tempos. The comtemporary spirit reflects the young—the people concerned with the present who will establish a new concept of life for the future.…"
From the Foreword of the 1968 Balthi

Reunion Group Photos

Here are a of group "elementary" school photos taken at the Reunion and original school photos submitted by alumni.

Web master note: I have done my best to identify everyone but there are a few faces that I just could not connect to a name. I apologize for this and I need your help to put names and faces together. Email me with corrections at:

Photos from the Reunion

Bonnie Mastandrea Hinzman's photos are in a slideshow here.

Colleen O'Brien Adams' photos are in a slideshow here.

Bob Lau has posted his photos from the the High School Tour and of the Reunion. See them at: Bob's Photos. Enjoy!

Loretta Warner Orr has posted her photos of the High School Tour and of the Reunion. See them at: Loretta's Photos and enjoy!

Baldwin High School Tour Video

Here is a short tour of the incredible new Baldwin High School. $68 million. I am not skilled videographer but I think it will give you some idea about the look of the new building. --Edd

Send us your favorite BHS '68 Photos

If you have scanned photos from the "good ol' days" that you would like to share, please send them to Edd Hale at . We will compile a photo gallery for all to see.