Baldwin High School Class of 1968
Pittsburgh, PA

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"This is an age of wheeling colors and feverish tempos. The comtemporary spirit reflects the young—the people concerned with the present who will establish a new concept of life for the future.…"
From the Foreword of the 1968 Balthi

55th Year Reunion Was a Blast!

Reunion 2023

Click photo to enlarge to see some familiar faces.

Our 55th year Reunion was a two night extravaganza! Friday evening was our "Meet and Greet" at Marybeth Petro Becker's home. About 60 our classmates came bearing food and drinks. The night was full of chatter and reminiscing that lasted for hours.

Saturday night's festivities were at the Georgetown Center which proved to be an excellent choice of venue. About 85 classmates and spouses came to enjoy good food and service by the Georgetown folks. The highlight, as always, was Eda Thomas Woodward's superb cookies! Music was provided by our favorite DJ, Trent Griffith.

You can see many photos of both nights courtesy of Lori Petri, who managed to photograph everyone and herd us all together for a group photo, by clicking the link here.

A Great Day for a Picnic!

August 28, 2021

Click photo to enlarge to see some familiar faces!.Picnic

It was a hot, muggy day but the friendships and food made it a great day in the park. If you missed it, here are photos from Lori Petri:
Great Picnic Photos

We were glad the Class of 1969 could join us, too.

Join us on Facebook

We now have a Facebook group that we want you to join. Our information and registration form can also be found there. Click the Facebook icon and join our group.
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50th year Reunion--WOW! What a night!

Our 50th year reunion on September 15, 2018 was an unqualified success. The evening began with hors d'oeuvres followed by a beautiful buffet dinner. Socializing was nonstop all evening with innumerable photos taken. After dinner, a huge cookie table, courtesy of Eda Thomas Woodward (who made them all!!) was available. This was followed by dancing and even more socializing. If you are not on FaceBook, or just want to see Lori Petri's wonderful photos click here.

Click photo to enlarge.

Our Own Reunion Song

For our 40th year reunion, Pat McManus wrote and recorded a terrific song for us called "Lookin' Back I'm in Love". You can hear it by clicking on the player below and/or download it. Our thanks to Pat for making it available.

Lookin' Back, I'm in Love

You can download the song here: Lookin' Back I'm in Love

News Tidbits

Our Classmates email addresses

You can now download all known email addresses of our classmates. If you are new to our web site, you can request the password to access the list by going to the contact page and sending us that request. We will respond ASAP.

View Old Purbalites

Thanks to Lorrie Zizza Daley for sending us two interesting items. The first is the May 29, 1968 Purbalite with our "Last Will and Testaments."
Second is a copy of "The News", the local Brentwood, Baldwin, Whitehall and Pleasant Hills newspaper from June 19, 1968. We are all in it!
A word of warning: these are large files so if you have a slow connection it may take a few moments to download. Thanks to Rich Helms for getting the scanned copies uploaded to our Bulletin Board under the title "1968 Found Treasures."