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"This is an age of wheeling colors and feverish tempos. The comtemporary spirit reflects the young—the people concerned with the present who will establish a new concept of life for the future.…"
From the Foreword of the 1968 Balthi

Baldwin Class of 1968 Trivia Test

To see the correct answers, scroll to the bottom of the page.

  1. Who are our class officers?
  2. What was our motto?
  3. What was our class flower?
  4. What were our class colors?
  5. Who was our principal?
  6. What was our yearbook called?
  7. What was our newspaper called?
  8. What name did our senior "stock company"go by?
  9. What stock were we invested in?
  10. Who was the Senior Rec Pep Queen?
  11. Who was valedictorian?
  12. How many students were in the Class of 1968?
  13. What is embossed on the backcover of our yearbook?
  14. Where was our first reunion held?

The Answers

  1. President John Ryce
    Vice President Mike Hout
    Secretary Andrea Panchura
    Treasurer Beverly Schmitt
  2. What is ours today, is yours to come.
  3. Variegated Carnation
  4. LIght blue and white
  5. James J. Weaver
  6. The Balthi
  7. The Purbalite
  8. The Hetty Green Company
  9. Ralston Purina
  10. Norma (Candy) Ward
  11. Jim Davis
  12. 662
  13. Our class ring
  14. South Hills Country Club